How to Start an Outsourcing Company

Brands and companies across various industries utilize outsourcing services in their everyday operations. Due to the growing global demand for outsourcing services, many new companies are on the market. We have the answer if you are curious about how to start an outsourcing company. 

Because most industries outsource non-core services, they outsource them to reliable BPO companies. 

As an industry leader, at CLICKVISION BPO we provide our clients with the best outsourcing services in the healthcare and insurance industries. 

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) – What Is Outsourcing?

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a venture which involves companies providing services using third-party firms. Outsourcing is essentially a business model allowing companies to improve efficiency by delegating operations and tasks.

Outsourcing is beneficial as it is a cost-effective solution for companies to fill skill gaps, which provides flexibility and enables global expansion. BPO entails outsourcing specific services and tasks, usually internal (back office) or customer-related (front office).

Front office BPO involves providing services that are customer-facing. This includes tech support, sales, customer support, and marketing. Back office BPO services that are not customer-facing include IT, HR, accounting, business process automation, etc. 

With the rise of the internet, the BPO industry is a global market, with its revenue, according to statistics, reaching $26 billion U.S. in 2019 worldwide

Considering the significant revenue potential of the BPO sector, many new companies are entering the market. 

However, only some new BPO companies succeed. In order to succeed, new BPO companies must meet the market requirements and provide relevant services.

How to Start an Outsourcing Company

Source: / Photo Contributor: katemangostar

How to Start an Outsourcing Company

Starting an outsourcing company requires you to have the expertise and knowledge in your chosen industry. It would be best to instill trust in your potential clients that your outsourcing company is the right fit for their needs. 

Companies across various industries have unique needs and requirements. This means they also require unique solutions, which your BPO company should provide.

As a seasoned BPO company, we provide our clients with efficient and reliable outsourcing solutions to ensure streamlined operations. 

Our company’s dedication to delivering the best results for our clients is how we prove our reliability and build excellent working relationships.

We specialize in outsourcing services, tailor-made to meet the varied needs of companies in the healthcare and insurance industries. So, if you are wondering how to start a BPO company, we’ll share our expert opinion and tips below. 

BPO Setup Requirements

Identifying potential target markets and industries

When starting an outsourcing company, the first thing to do is thoroughly research the potential industries and their markets. It is better to identify a profitable niche and tailor the services offered to its requirements.

By choosing a niche, it is possible to learn everything about it, the target clients, and their needs. This allows the company to assure potential clients of its expertise in meeting their expectations and providing solutions. 

Choosing a business niche will help determine the following:

  • The BPO industry sector
  • The tasks and services your BPO company undertakes
  • The types of clients you engage with

Conducting market research on competitors

Conducting in-depth market research before entering the BPO sector is essential to evaluate the competition and find possible prospects. 

To achieve success and thrive in the global BPO sector, new companies must identify the areas in which their competitors need to improve. This allows them to tailor the services offered to fill these gaps. 

Decide on the type of BPO

It is crucial for a company to define what type of BPO services it will provide. BPO companies can be of several types, such as the following:

  • Offshore BPO – This type of BPO involves providing services to clients worldwide as a cost-effective solution and access to global skilled labor.
  • Nearshore BPO – This BPO type is when outsourcing is done through companies that are geographically close to the clients
  • Onshore BPO – This is domestic BPO, meaning clients work with BPO companies in their countries. 

Create a business plan

Before launching an outsourcing company, one must create a well-structured business plan outlining the following: 

  1. Business name and summary – Choose a unique name that catches the attention of potential clients. The business summary outlines what type of BPO a company provides. 
  2. Mission and vision statement – When launching a company, it is crucial to have a clear mission statement and vision for the potential future.
  3. Types of services provided – Outline clearly the types of outsourcing services the BPO company will be providing. 
  4. Managerial outline – Define the job roles and responsibilities in the company. With clear role distribution, the workflow is streamlined, and everyone knows their responsibilities. 
  5. Marketing strategies and tactics – Outlining solid marketing strategies is essential to attract clients and establish a strong online presence. You can achieve this with a professional website, social media, and digital marketing. 
  6. Market review – It is important to ensure your company meets and beats your competitors by identifying the most in-demand BPO services. 
  7. Financial plans – Planning and writing down necessary expenses, including startup and operations expenses and projected revenue. 
  8. Growth and development plan – Creating a business plan is beneficial for growth projections and future developments of a BPO company. 
Create a business plan


Complete the paperwork

When launching a new business, taking care of paperwork is the most important part. In order to get the firm on the market, one must set up the legal and operational framework.

Achieving this is done best by completing all the necessary paperwork. For guidance, we recommend consulting a lawyer or an accountant. 

Register the BPO company 

When legalizing a BPO business, it is crucial to follow the laws of the country where the company will be registered. This involves researching the laws regarding business registration in a specific country. 

Registration may involve choosing a business structure such as:

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Corporation

Obtain necessary licenses and permits

Launching a BPO company also involves researching permits and licenses a business needs based on the area and services provided. Ensuring compliance with each legal requirement is vital to avoid legal issues. 

Tax registration 

Understanding how a business model impacts taxes is incredibly important. This is so the owners can fulfill their tax responsibilities and ensure they comply with them. Register for taxes with the appropriate authorities in the country where the company is registered.

Insurance and employment laws

Ensuring proper research and familiarization with employment laws in specific areas is important to provide hired employees with their rights. This includes compliance with wage laws, employee rights, and work hours.

Another essential thing for employee and company protection is obtaining necessary insurance policies. 

Get the right tools and technology

Running a profitable BPO business requires using the appropriate technologies and building a strong infrastructure. Outsourcing companies must keep up with the latest technology developments in the BPO sector. 

Moreover, they use tools and platforms that improve client happiness and operational effectiveness. Analytics and automation can increase accuracy, optimize workflows, and provide insightful information to help with decision-making. 

Fast technological developments, globalization, and economics are common in the BPO sector. BPO companies must invest in the appropriate tools and technology to ensure success. 

Get the right tools and technology

Source: / Photo Contributor: peshkovagalina

Internet connection and communication tools

Business process outsourcing involves working with clients and employees worldwide. This means a strong internet connection is vital to ensure constant connection without delays. 

Communication tools for messaging and video conferencing streamline work processes. Messaging tools provide efficient communication through features that enhance collaboration among team members. 

This includes features like group chats, file sharing, and business tool integration for a smooth flow of information.

Moreover, video conferencing tools are a must in the global BPO sector. These tools allow a BPO company to maintain personal connections with clients and teams globally. Important features when choosing a video conferencing tool are:

  • High video and audio quality
  • Reliable internet connectivity 
  • Screen sharing features
  • Privacy and security

Performance tracking tools 

To ensure client satisfaction, outsourcing companies in the BPO sector must use performance-tracking tools. Tools like these allow companies to ensure their teams are up to par with the operational standards expected by the clients. 

Performance tracking tools offer the following features:

  • Time tracking
  • Activity monitoring
  • Performance analytics
  • Project management
  • Productivity management

Hire BPO staff

BPO firms must hire staff with specialized skills and experience to provide top-notch BPO services.

In order to guarantee service excellence and satisfy client expectations, employee training is essential for BPO companies. The technical abilities necessary for providing services should be the main emphasis of training.

When hiring BPO staff, the following considerations are crucial:

  • Creating a strict hiring procedure
  • Interviews
  • Fluency in language and communication
  • Problem-solving and customer service skills
  • Recognizing the needs and procedures particular to a client
  • Adherence to privacy and data protection laws

Employees should receive ongoing training to keep up with market trends and technological innovations.

The BPO staff should possess skills that match the type of services the BPO firm provides. Hiring employees with the necessary BPO skill set ensures they will be able to understand and efficiently meet the job requirements.

Market your business

For successful marketing, BPO companies must establish a compelling brand identity. Moreover, they also need a marketing plan to advertise the services they provide. 

In order to reach their target client industries, BPO companies must utilize various marketing platforms to spread brand awareness. Successful marketing strategies involve the following. 

Creating a professional company website 

A professional website should be reflective and informative of the company’s mission and outline its services. Also, the websites should showcase contact info and client testimonials.

Networking efforts 

Networking is a long-established business tradition that allows companies to build partnerships and find new clients. Networking involves attending industry events, connecting with industry leaders, and joining professional organizations. 

A robust professional network can result in

  • Beneficial collaborations
  • Commercial prospects
  • Industry knowledge

Spreading brand awareness 

For a BPO company to successfully market its services to potential clients, it must utilize digital marketing strategies like:

  • SEO optimization
  • Content marketing
  • Social media campaigns

Get clients

In order to draw in and keep customers, companies must create a thorough client acquisition plan. Adapting marketing strategies to target particular sectors or geographical areas is vital. 

BPO companies can set themselves apart from competitors and cultivate client relationships by:

  • Providing outstanding customer service
  • Competitive pricing
  • Tailored solutions and services

BPO companies must keep tabs on the effectiveness of their BPO activities by setting up a system for tracking key performance indicators (KPIs)

Companies can find areas that need improvement by regularly examining data and metrics. Once they identify these areas, they can make the required adjustments. 


In today’s global market, most industries outsource non-core services. This has grown the demand for outsourcing services and companies that provide BPO. 

In order to succeed in the BPO industry, you must learn how to start an outsourcing company. To build a successful BPO company, you must research the market, identify potential clients, and tailor your services to their needs.

Moreover, it would be best to utilize great marketing strategies to attract clients and ensure their satisfaction.